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Let's keep it nice and simple. its £4.50 per session (Pay as you Train) or £30 per month to train as much as you like, No LIMITS. There are discounts available to extra family members that join and also student discount (£25 per month). No contracts, no tie ins, best price around! 

The timetable is broken down into junior and senior classes. This is to make sure that your training environment is safe, so that you are getting the most out of every session, and so that we can tailor the content of each session more appropriately.


Our junior kickboxing classes (from 5 years old, but starting age can be lowered at our discretion) contain a variety of activities to get the best out of our younger students. Fun and lively warm ups, games, team-work, healthy competition, and learning techniques and developing life skills in a wide-ranging and engaging environment.


Our adult classes accommodate for all ages, levels of ability and whatever goals our individual students have in mind. Our students are working towards achieving different things – some want to improve their fitness and general health & well-being, some want to progress through the grading syllabus towards their black belt, and some want to become successful fighters.


Our timetable offers a mix of high-energy, fast-paced sessions, to get your heart racing and a full-body workout; as well as more technical classes which focus less on cardio fitness and more on the correct execution of techniques. These sessions are vital when grading for your next belt, and also to ensure that you stay injury-free and able to train to your full potential.

These classes are completely optional and put in place for those students wanting to make a start, or to further their development, in competition – either in Points fighting, continuous kickboxing or Full Contact kickboxing.

In these sessions you will learn the skills needed to become a successful fighter through relevant training drills and practice sparring. These drills will include footwork, speed and agility training, relevant pad drills and partner work, and training potential fight scenarios.


You will learn the rules of competition as outlined by our governing body – World Association of Kickboxing Organisations (WAKO).


Your instructor is fully qualified and has over 16 years of tournament experience. 

Spectre Kickboxing, Medway Street (off Kennington Road), Nottingham, NG8 1PN

tel: 07730462370



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